Breezaire WKL 3000 Cooling Unit

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6 in stock

The WKL Series is the advanced system of choice for standard applications ranging from under 100 to 2000 cubic feet. WKL Series systems are compact, self-contained units. Our performance speaks for itself. This series is equipped with the Sentry III+ control system.

• Adjustable Temperature - Breezaire wine cooler unit includes an adjustable thermostat. The ideal temperature for storing and aging wine is between 50°F and 60°F.
• Automatic Humidity Control - Humidity must be present in the wine cellar to prevent cork and label deterioration. The gentle cooling action of the system maintains the relative humidity in the 50% to 75% range. (Additional moisture may be required in extremely dry climates.)
• Vibration Control - Breezaire cooling systems are engineered to control vibration by dampening mounts throughout the cooling system.
• Ultra-Quiet Operation - Breezaire cooling units perform their task quietly and unobtrusively to preserve the atmosphere of isolation from the outside world that makes a visit to a wine cellar a unique experience.
• Attractive Metal Cabinet - An attractive metal cabinet that blends in with the décor of your cellar area and can be flush mounted to any wall.
• Ease of Installation - No plumbing, complicated wiring, or special procedures including the on-site installation of refrigerant are required.
• Uncompromising Quality - Breezaire wine coolers are designed to deliver superior performance.
• Comprehensive Warranty Coverage - Owners enjoy the security of warranty coverage that reflects 
Breezaire's high standards.